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Release: 23.11.10

Ummen Restaurant Katsumori / Kofu City

Special Katsumori ramen…1,400 yen
About noodles

Thin noodles

About soup

Aged soup stock

About ingredients

Sangen pork rare char siu, XNUMX pieces of seaweed, menma, seasoned egg, green onion, onion


Ramen Contents
Noodles, soups and ingredients

The special Katsumori ramen is a luxurious dish with rare Sangenton pork pork beautifully placed on top of the ramen, as well as 6 sheets of seaweed and a flavored egg.

Thin noodles are used in the soup, which is made from light grilled fish. The noodles are just the right amount of curl, so they coat the soup well and go down smoothly.

It is topped with plenty of chopped onions like Hachioji ramen, and at first you can feel the refreshing spiciness of the onions, but at the end you can feel the sweetness of the onions soaked in the soup, and the taste changes as you eat. One of the charms.

While you can taste the deliciousness of Katsumori's famous rare char siu, the gentle flavor of the chin soup stock gently envelops the entire dish.

About the Store
About the store

In-store photo

The interior is designed to resemble a cafe with a modern Japanese atmosphere, making it a comfortable space for women to enter.

In addition to 7 counter seats, there are 8 table seats, so it's a great place to come with your family.

There is also a wide variety of rice bowl dishes such as back oil rice and char siu rice, as well as snacks such as Menma plate and Sangenton pork rare char siu platter, so you should enjoy the best with a beer.


Umamen Restaurant Katsumori - Kofu City Exterior photo

Ummen restaurant KatsumoriChuukasobaikyuu

Address 930 Horinouchi-cho, Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Opening hours <Lunch> 11:30-14:30
<Dinner> 17:30-21:00
Closing days Wednesday

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This article was created based on interviews and proofreading.The content of the article is based on information as of November 2023, 11, but may differ from the latest information.Thank you for your understanding.

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