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Release: 22.07.26

Wez Noodles / Showa Town

Pig ramen average…1,450 yen
About noodles

Homemade reverse-sliced ​​flat noodles

About soup

Tonkotsu soy sauce

About ingredients

3.5 pigs, bean sprouts, cabbage
*Other toppings available


Ramen Ingredients
Noodles, soups and ingredients

A soup packed with the umami of vegetables and pork, topped with a large amount of garlic and 3.5 pieces of thick “Togen Pork” for the ultimate dish.

In contrast to the image of the traditional tonkotsu soy sauce soup that is smooth and smooth, the thick and thick soup is impressive.

The restaurant's homemade reverse-sliced ​​flat noodles are a blend of three wheat brands.

The right amount of curling is well entwined with the soup, and you can eat more and more.

About the Store
About the store

In-store photo

"Wez Noodles" started night business from June 2022, 6.

The atmosphere inside the store is completely different from the daytime.

You can choose from two types of ramen, one with a piece of pig topping, and the other is pork ramen.


Wez Noodles - Kofu City Exterior photo

Wez NoodlesWes noodles

Address 59-1 Shimizuarai, Showa-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi
Opening hours 18:00〜21:00 L.O.
Closing days Sunday-Friday
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This article was created based on interviews and proofreading.The content of the article is based on information as of November 2022, 7, but may differ from the latest information.Thank you for your understanding.

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