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A total of 38 people will receive a meal voucher 🎁 Deadline for Sunday, March 3 ❗️

[The acceptance of gift applications has ended]
Choose from all 10 special feature stores and apply!
Get a meal voucher

PORTA "Yamanashi adult counter seat special featureTo support the debut of the counter seats at the 10 stores introduced inPresent meal vouchers for each storeI will do it!

Please select the store you want to go to and apply using the form below.

By lottery38 people in totalPlease use it as a trigger for your debut at the counter seats.

Please send us your thoughts on this special feature and your opinions on PORTA.

Meal ticket present list

<Campaign Overview>

Application period
February 2020th (Fri) -March 2th (Sun), 7

■ Application requirements
Please apply from the application form below.
You can only apply once per person.

■ Winning announcement
We will replace it when the prize is shipped.

■ Shipping
Late March 2020 (planned)

■ Meal ticket expiration date
Half a year

Application Form

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